
how to start again when you've stopped doing something you love doing

the first installment in a week-long exploration of the rituals of starting again

step one:  decide you're going to start today no matter what comes up, no matter how small your effort, no matter what the result, no matter how late you have to stay up

step two:  end up starting the next day instead

note:  i originally had all sorts of steps in here that included things like "beat yourself up for a while about having stopped and then realize that's getting you nowhere," "give up the perfect ideal of having never stopped," and "become indignant at some person, place, or thing that clearly caused you to stop."  but really, the two steps above are what it comes down to for me.

and you?


  1. How time appropriate. I have been getting ready to start my artwork again, finally, this week I realized, to just do it. I have called someone to pick up my couch in my living room/studio space,need the room for my drawing table to return from the utility room downstairs. Will start drawing every night, will start water coloring things I have already drawn, in the box of stuff so to speak. I am payring for a painting class next week. There is never enough time to plan to get it right, so I am just going to do the time for an hour each evening and something else will be left undone........today is the begin again..........

    1. go, kay, go! we are on the same wavelength right now: the just start wavelength. sending you just-start well wishes for your hour of art-making this evening...
